Prayer Diary 2025 is out!

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While I was a student I was privileged to witness some of the The Bible Talks’ (TBT) staff lovingly and boldly serving students on our campus – that is where my desire to do ministry started to grow. However, I was concerned about my personality, which was different to the TBT staff members. During the apprenticeship my personality has rather taught me to depend fully on God and not in myself, I have to go to Him through prayer and ask for strength daily! In that way He gets all glory. I have learnt the importance of studying and meditating prayerfully on the word of God. Most importantly I have learnt to apply God’s word in my daily walk with Christ. God has graciously grown in me the urgency and importance of reaching out to the lost and telling them about Jesus – the great commission that has been given to us all (Christians). I am so thankful to God for our leaders who are very patient and who lead by example. I am also thankful for those who have been praying for us continuously!

– Siphesihle, who completed a TBT ministry apprenticeship during 2020-21.


2024 update: Anglican Aid is privileged to partner with the Ministry Training Strategy  (MTS) and the G8 Conference to fund a ministry apprentice in Durban, South Africa. Read more about the partnership here.

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