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SEYCHELLES: Equipping Labourers
  • by Ashleigh Hooker
  • August 14, 2024

Jude Marie and Daniel Port Louis, from Seychelles, graduated from Moore College’s online Diploma of Biblical Theology in March. They shared some of the spiritual needs of their beautiful island nation, which is part of the Anglican Province of the Indian Ocean.

Jude said that about one in ten people there are addicted to heroin, which is destroying lives. “It’s not only a physical evil, but it’s a spiritual evil,” said Jude. “When you become a slave to that slave master, the only way out is deliverance through Christ.”

Jude and Daniel have been supported by Anglican Aid and Moore College in their studies. Jude said Bible training of leaders will help the church boost its capacity to deal with the heroin problem: “We need more labourers who will get our hands ploughing and working towards the salvation of these young people.”


  •  Pray for more trained workers to bring the gospel to young people in Seychelles.


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