Emergency aid for DR Congo

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ON SOLID GROUND: Train Church Leaders

Train Pastors | Equip Christian Leaders

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The church around the world is growing!

God has brought many new believers to him who need discipling. But, these new Christians need a strong foundation, as they are likely to be exposed to false teaching and syncretism. Trained leaders teaching the true gospel can help them build their faith on solid ground. And the need is immense!

With the church growing so rapidly, who will shepherd these many flocks?

Anglican Aid is helping to strengthen churches in some of the poorest areas around the world through training men and women for ministry and leadership, so they have a strong foundation that is grounded firmly in the word.

With your support we can help to fill the urgent need for biblically faithful pastors and ministry leaders who are equipped to disciple many new believers and share the good news of Jesus with their nation!


“And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.”

2 Tim 2:2

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By giving a non-tax-deductible gift you will be helping to Equip Christian Leaders through short courses and conferences for evangelism and children’s, youth, and women’s ministries. These men and women will be well-equipped to support the pastors of their churches to disciple many others.


Support Equipping Christian Leaders


By giving a tax deductible gift you will be helping to Train Pastors to certificate, diploma or degree level at trusted Bible colleges. These theologically trained graduates will be fully prepared to faithfully teach from Bible and provide pastoral care, discipleship and leadership for their churches.


Support Training Pastors

How is your support strengthening churches?

“We are seeing impacts of having good biblical theological education for students here at St Patrick’s…They say ‘Now, we are able to preach Christ. And we are able to preach the truth of the word of God.’…We thank you and we give glory to God because you have contributed to change people’s lives. Through the study here students can go and change others. Thank you so much.”

Rev Berthier Lainirina

Principal, St Patrick’s Theological College, Madagascar

“[Studying] Doctrine is the subject that I understand well because it is the base of Christian
teaching. In it I’m able to discern false teaching, to protect my faith, and my Bible
understanding is growing and it helps me to prepare sermons.”

Rakoto Vincent

Certificate of Theology, St Patrick’s Theological College, Madagascar

“I have learned the truth of the Bible so I am able to explain it to others. My studies have prepared me for good leadership in the church, to preach the Word of God firmly, and to bear with everybody in ministry…My studies at BBC greatly helped me to face the challenges of ministry. The course has helped me in standing firm in my faith by increasing Bible knowledge.”

Tyson Balulo

Certificate of Theology, Bunda Bible College, Tanzania

“We thank God that currently BBC (Bunda Bible College) has 72 students who are doing the certificate course and the diploma course. Since Anglican Aid has been supporting Bunda Bible College, we have got many good ministers who are already pastors, and some of them are evangelists, and some of them are helping the church in many ways, especially church ministry. So may God bless you and may God continue to bless you so that you continue to support us as BBC.”

Rev Canon Alpha Kamanda Lugoley

Principal, Bunda Bible College (BBC), Tanzania

“My learning has prepared me for ministry. The course has encouraged me to organise the revival programs among the youths, share the gospel to others and teach them what the Bible is. I will help the church in strengthening the believers. The courses have also prepared me [for] strengthening the local church.”

Shreejana Muktan Bhim Bahadur Tamang

Bachelor of Theology, Anglican Training Center Nepal

“I want to thank you Anglican Aid for all you have done to help to support students in this college. In our diocese we have planted over 465 new churches. We need that help to support the education and the sound knowledge of the Bible to our students and many pastors and evangelists. Thank you very much. May the Lord bless you.”

Bishop Stanley Hotay

Munguishi Bible College, Diocese of Mt Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

“I was able to reach out to people in my community without fear. Many came to the Lord…Praise be to God that I learnt the very skills needed to be effective in my ministry.”

Ramarosan Benjamin

Certificate of Theology, St Patrick’s Theological College, Madagascar

“I want to appeal to you to support Anglican Aid because it’s doing a fantastic job to raise Christian leaders for the current church and for the future church here in Africa and elsewhere…it is so significant that we train good men and women and give them good theological training, so that they can come back and help us to spread the good news of Jesus Christ and also to train others, to nurture disciples of Jesus Christ. The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few.”

The Right Rev R Mwita Akiri

Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Tarime, Tanzania

“This term’s courses helped me in my ministry with the Sunday Schools. I was taught how to link the Old and New Testament together to the kids in a way that helps them see the whole picture related to each other with the history of redemption.”

Christen Katry Wadie Khalil

Bachelor of Theology, Alexandria School of Theology

“Let us get our strategies straight. Support good theological training!”

Dr Peter Jensen

Theological Education Network Director for GAFCON

“Many pastors in the world…they lack the knowledge…Anglican Aid is doing a great job because they are making people to understand the word of God…so at the end of the day a lot of people will be saved.”

Rev David Mponda

Diploma of Theology, Bunda Bible College, Tanzania

“In many cases in Africa, the pastors in the cities do not have any form of theological training. This absence of enduring discipleship has resulted in increasing shallow theology leaving many local churches subject to whatever errors.”

Rev Samuel Majok

South Sudanese Pastor and Anglican Aid Ambassador

“This has provided me with skills which help me to have a good and right understanding of the Bible and how I can apply these truths in ministry.”

Benito Namagowa

Master of Theology, George Whitefield College

“What I have learned has equipped me hugely for my ministry…South Sudan needs ministers who can take the gospel to different parts of it. The harvest is plenty in South Sudan. Therefore, there is a need for laborers like me and others to go and share the message of hope.”

Philip Lomoro Benjamin

Bachelor of Theology, George Whitefield College

“Theology is very much important for ministry, because heresies or false teachings are being preached by prosperity gospel preachers, their ministry is expanding and it is leading people to the wrong direction. Therefore, with sound Theology I believe that we can teach people to remain in Christ and not be led astray.”

Mxoleleni Ngiba

Bachelor of Theology, George Whitefield College, South Africa

Where your support can strengthen churches:


Some of the colleges we work with

Bunda Bible College

Bunda Bible College is located in the Mara diocese of Tanzania and is training pastors for a lifetime in ministry. The college is dedicated to filling the great need in Tanzania for godly church leaders who teach the Bible faithfully.

St. Patrick’s Theological College

Located in Toliara, Madagascar, St. Patricks works to equip church leaders with the skills needed to disciple the growing number of Christians in Madagascar.

Anglican Training Centre Nepal

The Anglican Training Centre in Nepal is equipping Anglican leaders through effective ministry training to make a significant difference for the cause of Christ in Nepal.

Alexandria School of Theology

The mission of the Alexandria School of Theology (AST) in Egypt is to serve the Kingdom of God and grow Christ’s church through theological and spiritual formation of Christian leaders.

Munguishi Bible College

Mungishi Bible College focuses on training pastors to teach the gospel and shepherd God’s flock in Tanzania. The college also has fields for cultivating crops, a milling machine, and a bakery.