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Leaving a gift in your Will

Leaving a gift in your Will

Let grace flow to future generations

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A legacy for future generations

A gift in your Will, of any amount, is a powerful way to leave a legacy for future generations.

After prayerful reflection and making provisions for your family and loved ones, you may like to consider leaving a gift in your Will (also known as a Bequest or Legacy) to a cause or charity that’s close to your heart.

By leaving a gift in your Will to Anglican Aid, you will be making an effective and long-lasting investment that will continue to bring hope to people in need across the globe. Your gift will help ensure that the work of Anglican Aid projects, delivered through local overseas churches and Christian organisations, can continue well into the future.

Your legacy can be one that strengthens churches, transforms communities and sees God’s grace overflowing to a world in need for generations to come.

Neil’s gift to future generations

One of our supporters shares why he has chosen to remember Anglican Aid in his Will.


“I have made the decision to leave a gift in my Will to Anglican Aid because I want future generations to have strong churches that have grown on the basis of a well-trained and godly leadership team…The future needs of communities that Anglican Aid projects support are almost infinite! My gift will enable Anglican Aid to continue to respond.”

Neil Smith

Gifts In Wills Supporter

“Anglican Aid brings strong governance, effective administration and experience from multiple projects internationally… I am confident that Anglican Aid will use funds received from the gift in my Will for the purposes I have designated.”

Neil Smith

Gifts In Wills Supporter

How to include Anglican Aid in your Will

We recognise that writing a Will is one of the most significant decisions you’ll ever make. That’s why we understand that it’s important to take your time and have all of the information you need to help you as you consider your options.

We’ve put together some information (below) that we hope you will find helpful, but it’s important that you seek advice from a qualified legal professional.

What is a Will?

A Will is a legally binding document that expresses how you would like your assets to be distributed after you’re gone.

A gift in a Will is a deferred gift that is written into your Will. This is called a bequest and can also be referred to as a legacy.

After making provisions for family and loved ones, many people choose to leave a gift in their Will to a cause or charity that is close to their heart.

You can leave a gift in your Will by writing a new Will, or by adding a codicil to your existing Will.

A codicil is a legal document that acts as a supplement to your Will. In it, you can make changes to your Will without having to rewrite your entire original Will document.

We recommend that you seek the advice of a qualified legal professional, whether you’re thinking of making a new Will or updating an existing Will.

A solicitor can ensure that your Will is valid and worded correctly, so that you can be confident that your final wishes will be carried out as you intend.

You can easily update your existing Will with a codicil (an addition) that includes your gift in Will and complies with all the requirements of a valid Will. Your solicitor can provide you with the appropriate documentation.

There are various ways that you can choose to leave a gift in your Will. Three of the most common types of gifts in Wills are:

Residual gifts
This is when you leave the remainder of your estate as a gift, after first making provisions for your loved ones and any financial commitments or expenses. This is one of the most effective ways to leave a gift in your Will because it keeps up with inflation.

Percentage gifts
This type of gift expresses the gift as a percentage of your whole estate and is sometimes referred to as a ‘fractional’ gift. A percentage gift will also account for inflation.

Pecuniary gifts
This is when you specify a fixed amount for the gift. It can also be called a ‘specific’ gift. This type of gift may need to be changed over the years to account for inflation.

When making your decision about leaving a gift to Anglican Aid, please consider which of our three funds you would like to be the beneficiary.

Please bear in mind that if you would like your gift to be kept for general purposes (i.e. where it is most needed), this will enable Anglican Aid to use your gift where the need is greatest at the time.

If you would like to ensure your gift goes to where it is most needed, please nominate the Archbishop of Sydney’s Anglican Aid Fund.

The Archbishop of Sydney’s Anglican Aid Fund

Internationally, Anglican Aid often works with low-capacity partners, supporting small projects that the local community has identified as necessary and urgent. We are involved with a wide array of health, education, income generation, and other capacity building initiatives.

In Australia, Anglican Aid supports local churches providing emergency relief to communities devastated by natural disasters such as bushfire or flood.

Anglican Aid is a registered charity with the ACNC. As a Public Benevolent Institution (PBI), all donations to this fund are tax deductible.

The Archbishop of Sydney’s Overseas Ministry Fund

The Overseas Ministry Fund supports gospel-rich ministry, so that the grace of Jesus Christ will be known throughout the nations. Anglican Aid’s Equipping Christian Leaders projects are a critical part of Overseas Ministry.

This fund is a registered charity, however, donations to this fund are not tax deductible.

The Archbishop of Sydney’s Overseas Development Fund

The Overseas Relief and Aid Fund (ORAF) supports longer term development projects which meet the Developing Country Relief Fund criteria. These projects assist in empowering and building the capacity of local communities to create sustainable change.

This fund is a registered charity and all donations to this fund are tax deductible.

It’s important that your Will is worded correctly to ensure your wishes are carried out exactly as you intend. We suggest the following wording, however recommend that you seek advice from your solicitor.

“I give, free of all duties and taxes:

a) The whole of my estate, 

b) The residue of my estate, 

c) A percentage of my estate,

d) The amount of $_________

To the 

i) Archbishop of Sydney’s Anglican Aid Fund (ABN 28 525 237 517),

ii) Archbishop of Sydney’s Overseas Ministry Fund (ABN 94 609 182 072), 

iii) Archbishop of Sydney’s Overseas Development Fund (ABN 59 792 865 372)

for its general purposes and I direct that the signed receipt of the Director of the said body shall be a full and sufficient discharge for my executors.”

We understand that this is a very personal choice and a decision that only you can make. However, we suggest letting your loved ones know that you’re planning to leave a gift in your Will and having a conversation with them about why leaving a gift to Anglican Aid is important to you.

Leaving clear instructions and sharing this decision with your family and friends will give you the peace of mind that your wishes will be understood and respected after you’re gone.

Your promise of future support is deeply appreciated and it’s entirely up to you whether you choose to let us know. However, knowing when someone has chosen to support Anglican Aid in this particular way helps us to plan more confidently for the future.

Most importantly, we’d love to have the opportunity to thank you personally for your kind and generous support. Our Gifts in Wills team members can also ensure that you are kept up-to-date with our work, especially the projects that you feel most connected to.

Please be assured that at all times your privacy will be respected and the information you provide will remain confidential.

Every gift, no matter the size, will
see grace overflowing to a world in need
for generations to come.

Contact us

Thank you so much for prayerfully considering leaving a gift in your Will to Anglican Aid.

Please contact our Gifts in Wills team if you have any questions about leaving a gift in your Will to Anglican Aid, or if you would like to discuss your wishes, let us know about your gift, or request a brochure.

You can reach Amy and Julia by calling 02 9284 1406, emailing, or completing the form below.

Yes, I am interested in leaving a gift in my Will to Anglican Aid and would like to receive more information.

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OCTOBER 19, 2022

Let grace flow to future generations

A gift in your Will, of any amount, is a powerful way to leave a legacy for future generations.

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OCTOBER 19, 2022

Let grace flow to future generations

A gift in your Will, of any amount, is a powerful way to leave a legacy for future generations.

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