Lebanon: Video update from our partners on the ground

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WHAT WE DO: Persecuted Christians Support

Let grace flow through

Persecuted Christians Support

Many of our projects are located in countries where Christians are suffering persecution for their faith. Some of our brothers and sisters have been wounded or killed. Many have lost homes and crops. Churches have been destroyed and thousands have been displaced. As well as growing this work in our current project areas, Anglican Aid is establishing networks in other countries to support Christians suffering persecution through prayer, advocacy and humanitarian assistance.


God calls us to bear one another’s burdens and we take this as our call to action (Galatians 6:2). Anglican Aid is working with local church partners, giving aid to respond to urgent needs and rebuild lives as well as providing Bible training to strengthen churches.

A prayer for persecuted Christians

Lord you are King for ever. You hear the desire of the afflicted and listen to their cry. 

We remember our brothers and sisters around the world who are suffering persecution because they belong to you. Please strengthen and protect them. Comfort those who are grieving and provide for those who have lost homes or livelihoods. Please direct their hearts into your abounding love and Christ’s perseverance. Would you help them know your peace that transcends all understanding.  

We pray for those in authority in nations where Christians are persecuted. Help them to govern with wisdom, integrity and courage, so your people can live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 

We pray in the name of the King of the ages. To him be honour and glory forever.


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