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Easter devotion: Sharing in suffering and comfort
  • by Zhien-U Bakarich
  • April 11, 2022

2 Corinthians 1:7
And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort.

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Many Christians around the world are suffering for their faith in Jesus. They are marginalised, discriminated against, persecuted. Every year Christians are put in prison, attacked by their family or communities, and their churches and homes are burned down.

The suffering of Jesus on the cross, and during his life on earth, is reflected in the suffering of Christians who now endure difficulties for their faith. Jesus himself said “If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you.” (John 15:20).

For those who are imprisoned for their faith, or are under pressure from their families, this is an encouragement! They can be assured that God knows, understands, has been there before, and can comfort them.

But Jesus did not only die, he also rose again to give us life. This is our hope, and the hope of all who put their trust in Jesus.

2 Corinthians 1:7 reminds us that we can share this comfort that Christ brings to our family of faith who are suffering. Today, we can ask God to comfort our persecuted brothers and sisters.

Please join us in praying for Christians who are persecuted.

Eternal Father, almighty shepherd of your people,
You have promised that those who follow Jesus will be persecuted. We pray for your children around the world who are suffering mistreatment, imprisonment, loss of possessions, and threats of death for their allegiance to you. By your mighty power keep them faithful to you. Be their shield and defence, their refuge and stronghold.

Shelter them under the shadow of your wings, that they may not fear their enemies, and help us to uphold them in prayer, that together we may walk in the light of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and not be ashamed to confess him as Lord, to the glory of your name,

Pray regularly for Persecuted Christians

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