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BREAKING: Sheltering families in north Lebanon
  • by Zhien-U Bakarich
  • October 21, 2024

Over the last month, many families from the conflict zone in south Lebanon have moved north, seeking safety. Believing that the Christians there would help them, some have sought help from Anglican Aid’s long-term partner, Good Shepherd School. In response, the school is now sheltering some of these displaced families.

Directors of Good Shepherd School, Reem and Emil Bourizk, have also taken some families into their home alongside their own children.

They told us yesterday that bombardments in their area early this week have brought the conflict very close to home. On 15 October, the BBC reported 21 people were killed in an airstrike in north Lebanon.

In this video, Reem and Emil Bourizk share about the situation on the ground:

For your prayer:

As Emil shares in his update,

The evil one is shaking our area. But this is giving us, as children of and witness of the Lord Jesus, an amazing opportunity to shine the light of the Lord, and share the love of the Lord. This is a very rich time, very time of suffering and trouble, but also rich for the gospel. Please pray with us.

  • For peace, and an end to the war
  • For wisdom as Reem and Emil care for strangers seeking safety
  • For God to comfort those experiencing trauma
  • In thanks that God’s people are sharing his light


A prayer for Lebanon and the Middle East

Almighty God, our Lord and King, blessed are all who take refuge in you.

We pray for peace in the Middle East. We pray for governments and those in authority in Israel, Lebanon and Gaza. Please give them wisdom and the will to bring an end to the war. We ask this so suffering is eased, order restored, and your people in these places can live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

Father of compassion and God of all comfort, we lift up those who mourn loved ones or have lost homes and livelihoods in the conflict. Would you comfort them and provide food, shelter, and resources to rebuild homes and livelihoods. We thank you for the kindness being shown to displaced people by Reem and Emil Bourizk from Anglican Aid’s project the Good Shepherd School in north Lebanon. Would you protect them and give them wisdom as they care for strangers who come to their door. Please encourage their hearts and strengthen them in every good deed and word. May their light shine so many see their good deeds and glorify you, our Father in heaven.

We pray that in this time of trouble in the Middle East you would bring many people to trust in the Lord Jesus as their King forever. It is in his name we pray and for his glory.



Please give:
Anglican Aid is supporting Good Shepherd School to provide mattresses, covers, food, and clothing for families seeking safety in north Lebanon. To contribute, please make a donation.

Let grace flow through generosity

*In the case that a project has received sufficient donations, any surplus funds will be used for a similar activity or an activity in the same country.

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