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KENYA: Together for Christ
  • by Anna Grummitt
  • September 25, 2024

Norm Gorrie in Marsabit, Kenya

I am so thankful to God for the generosity of Anglican Aid supporters who have given, or are giving, towards three projects in the Diocese of Marsabit: Generate! Water Harvesting and Harnessing, Kenya Biblical Leadership, and Aid for Victims of Conflict and Famine. It is wonderful to partner together for Christ in this work. 

Here is an update from the last three months in Kenya about the impact of your support.  

Marsabit Aid for Victims of Conflict and Famine

Thank you to those who generously gave to this project through Anglican Aid. The funds are being used to support internally displaced people and locals experiencing hunger in Northern Kenya with food relief and a community shelter. 

I am so encouraged by the Christians at Elle Bore who received food, and then generously shared it with the community at Elle Dimtu (near the border with Ethiopia)! James, a church leader at Elle Bore, shared with me the reasoning behind their decision: 

“In that moment of hardship where the people lacked food, we were blessed with food relief from the Diocese of Marsabit, then we as Elle Bore church leaders and elders, we sat down and discussed and agreed that this food we got, we had to give it to Elle Dimtu because they were in a state of hardship – more than us. Then we agreed with all church members, all church leaders, and then we sent a large amount of the rations that we got, to them.” 

Praise God for their generosity, and for the way they encouraged the Christians at Elle Dimtu to stand firm in their faith despite the challenges they are facing.  

Marsabit Generate! Water Harvesting and Harnessing 

Generate! is empowering the church to assist leaders (and emerging leaders), the vulnerable, and schools grow crops to generate income in a sustainable way. The project is embedded in the local church, under the godly and capable leadership of Project Coordinator Samwel Galgalo. 

I am deeply thankful to all of you who have been supporting this project.  

In this video, Samwel Galgalo and Paul Galgalo share about how the Generate! Project has blessed the community at Bori Junction. Funds provided by Anglican Aid were used to install guttering on the church building to harvest water, as well as provide the church with seedlings which they were able to plant (and the trees are growing well!). They have also been able to harvest a lot of maize and beans this season. Praise God!  

Samwel Galgalo (left) and Paul Galgalo harvesting maize

Kenya Biblical Leadership 

I cannot speak highly enough of the assistance given through this project enabling the training of leaders both lay and ordained and mobilising them to be disciple-makers in an Islamic and tribal dominated region. Thank you to all who have contributed.  

The project is being implemented by Rev Jomo. He is a brother who we can trust to keep Christ at the centre. 

This year’s highlights have included: 

  • An evangelist training course from 23-25 March 
  • A diocesan youth conference, with the theme: Standing for Christ 24/7 

At the evangelist training course in March

Thank you again for standing together for Christ with the church in Marsabit!  

Let grace flow through generosity

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