Because he first loved us (End of Financial Year) Appeal

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Why choose Anglican Aid?

Why choose Anglican Aid?

Anglican Aid connects Australian Christians to local Christians overseas who are serving those in the greatest need on Earth. It is helping our supporters and implementing partners bring Word and deed together where it will make the biggest impact – sharing food with the hungry alongside sharing Christ’s love. This is why Anglican Aid is the right choice for Christians moved to generosity towards people in need overseas. 

We are Bible-believing.

Anglican Aid is an organisation founded by Sydney Anglicans – beginning nearly a century ago with Archbishop Howard Mowll. We are committed to reformed evangelical theology, outworked through aid, development, and theological education. Today, our staff participate in a daily Bible reading and prayer meeting to ask for God’s help in our work. Alongside our other reporting commitments, each year Anglican Aid provides a report to the Synod, ensuring the theological alignment and stability of our organisation.


We are trustworthy.

Anglican Aid is accredited by the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC) and a member of Christian Ministry Advancement (CMA). Our finances are independently audited annually and published on our website.


We take stewardship seriously.

In the 2022-23 financial year, Anglican Aid spent 87% on overall donations to overseas projects, and 13% on ensuring we meet the highest compliance and communications standards. When you give to Anglican Aid, your gift is really making a difference to the most needy in our world.

We work with local Christians.

You can be sure your gifts are sent in the name of Jesus, and distributed by faithful brothers and sisters who share Christ’s love as they provide aid and long-term development like education. It’s Word and deed together!


We help those who are most in need.

Anglican Aid prioritises working with the poorest of the poor, and with people who face extreme hardship. Some of our projects are located in areas other NGOs have left – like Sudan and DR Congo; or where Christians are severely persecuted like Pakistan; or where people with a disability are considered cursed and live outside the edges of society. Anglican Aid projects minister to people who are the most in need.


Let grace flow through generosity