MTS Australia for TBT
MTS Australia for TBT
Help ministry apprentices in South Africa
At the MTS G8 Conference we are raising money to fund two Zulu ministry apprentices in Durban, South Africa to complete a two-year apprenticeship with The Bible Talks (TBT) – a ministry seeking to reach students at South African universities with the gospel.
The apprenticeship will give them experience in ministry and equip them to faithfully proclaim Jesus. The program includes training in skills, ‘theory’, and theology, individual mentorship, practical opportunities for relational and Word-based ministry and other forms of service.
In a country with an unemployment rate of over 27%*, where 16% of people live below the poverty line* it’s extremely challenging to raise enough money to cover their costs themselves – they need your support!
Thank you for your generosity.
*CIA World Factbook
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