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The Vivlos pilot project will focus on assisting communities and families in Tonga, Vanuatu and Fiji. It aims to reduce the prevalence of domestic violence and mitigate its related trauma by providing targeted, accessible, and culturally appropriate digital information, created by the Trauma Healing Institute. Through innovative mobile technology, the app will equip people with information and resources that address the causes and consequences of domestic violence, offering practical advice and emotional support. 

Issues of domestic violence are prevalent in many communities and are often difficult to engage with. As observed by one of Megavoice Australia’s partners in the region: “Domestic abuse is so ingrained in our culture that people are living in it without realising. Even the women don’t realise it.” 

Through utilising church contacts and communities in the pacific, Vivlos will be shared to a wide range of families, who will be encouraged to rethink and challenge their perceptions of abuse within familial units.  

Your partnership with Megavoice Australia and the Vivlos pilot project through Anglican Aid will have a meaningful impact in combating a vast array of social issues in the Pacific.  

All donations to Anglican Aid for this project are tax deductible  


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