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Significant Change: Recreation and respite found in South Africa for disabled children and their carers
  • by Lindsay Counsell
  • September 2, 2022

Counselling, therapy, respite camps; Anglican Aid partners with Timion Disability Counselling and Community Development to share Jesus’ love with disabled children and their carers. For the first time in two years, the team was able to run a camp. One of our partners reflects on this blessing:

We are grateful for the time because camps are one of the biggest highlights for us as a team and for the families. This is the time where every other activity within Timion stops, workshop pauses and we come together to pour out on these families. Since Covid started we had not been able to have a camp as it was against the regulations. We had been missing this opportunity a lot as it serves as a reminder for us that God is busy at work and has seen fit to include us in it. It’s not only the carers and their children that receive encouragement and strength to keep going but us too.

We invited families from three locations. Some from the Uitenhage area, some from Port Elizabeth areas and one from within Jeffreys Bay. We had time for the carers to connect whilst children were with the team; we worshipped together, cried together, prayed together and saw restoration together.

One mother shared how the camp has encouraged her:

“I have been feeling exhausted in every way … Seeing people freely loving my child and relieving me for some time has been such a blessing for me. It’s so easy to feel isolated when you have a child with special needs. Finding people that you can relate to is hard. Coming here, I got to meet other carers. We shared our hearts and I feel lighter now. After hearing other’s stories that are similar to mine. I’m reminded it is God who gives life. I have hope for my child.

The advice, encouragement and practical help I received here has given me some strength to keep going. I have been slowly giving up on life because I feel my burden is not one that can be lifted but now I have hope. I have been reminded that I matter to God and so does my child.”

Anglican Aid is committed to the ongoing welcome, support and advocacy for all children, including those with disabilities. We cherish their carers and the partnership we have with Timion as it serves them and their families. 

1 John 5:14 reminds us: This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.

Join us as we pray for this project by bringing these prayer points before God and sharing them with your churches and Bible studies:

  • Thank God for the staff at Timion Disability Counselling, and the ongoing partnership with Anglican Aid that supports them in providing care services.
  • Pray for the carers, that they would experience a deep knowledge of God’s grace and love for each of them and each of the children he has entrusted into their care. 
  • Pray for healing, rehabilitation and respite from pain for the children who struggle to move freely because of their disability.
  • Pray that the communities that Timion serves would see the joy and tenderness of the staff and give glory to God.

Timion Disability Counselling and Community Development provide Christian care and hope to children with disabilities and their caregivers in Jeffrey’s Bay, South Africa. Timion provides therapy, and designs, produces and distributes affordable, durable assistive equipment. It also runs recreation and respite camps like the one in this story.


Let grace flow

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