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SOUTH AFRICA: Farming God’s Way
  • by Guest Contributer
  • April 5, 2023

Joining a small group for mothers of children with disabilities was life-changing for Siphokazi, whose son has Cerebral Palsy. Through Timion, a Christian disability service, she has received invaluable support for the hard days when she feels overwhelmed: “I have found family, a space where I can just be vulnerable and know I will be embraced and be given support.”

In the last few months, Timion staff have also introduced Siphokazi and other small group members to growing their own vegetables using an approach called ‘Farming God’s Way’. Timion staff have visited families in their homes to help them establish gardens. With rising food costs, this is especially important. Siphokazi says it will give her son Lubambo access to healthy foods that she couldn’t otherwise afford. But Farming God’s Way has also helped her to think about larger issues. “God is the creator,” she said. “My hope is renewed. I’m encouraged to believe again. God is able to provide.”

The other benefit of this initiative is that a local church has begun partnering with Timion. Since COVID hit, violent crime in Jeffreys Bay has surged and home visits have become increasingly dangerous. This church has been mentoring young men who are leaving behind crime and addictions and some of them have joined in the gardening program. “We have had the privilege of having these young men go with us into places we cannot go to on our own due to security problems,” said Nolu, a Timion program manager. As well as helping prepare the gardens, the men have been sharing the gospel, their testimonies, and praying with families. Timion staff had been praying for an increased awareness of disability in the local churches and these young men have become part of the answer to that prayer. Nolu said, “We are excited about what lies ahead and look forward to seeing this partnership grow.”


  • Praise God for transforming lives through Timion and God’s people in Jeffrey’s Bay.
  • Pray that Timion’s partnership with the local church will be strengthened.


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