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KENYA: Building resilience against drought
  • by Ashleigh Hooker
  • April 16, 2024

Generate is helping Mr Guyu to harvest income-generating crops.

Last year, thousands in Marsabit, northern Kenya, faced starvation as they entered their third year of drought. We praise God for sending rain to break the drought and also for the work that the Diocese of Marsabit is doing to help local farmers better harness water to build resilience against future drought. In partnership with Anglican Aid, the Generate project is enabling these farmers to develop small irrigation systems and providing them with seedlings to broaden their crop mix.  

Mr Guyu is a local church member being helped by this project. He has already harvested beans from the seedlings he received last year and has been able to generate income to pay for his younger brother’s school fees. He has also planted paw paw, sweet potato, tomatoes, and other fruit from Generate seedlings. The pond he built with the project’s help is now full, and he anticipates it will sustain his crops through the coming dry season. Mr Guyo says that his extra income allows him to support his family and with this responsibility met, he can grow his school ministry. “My elderly parents are joyful to see this and we thank God,” he said.  

We praise God that a small group at St Paul’s Castle Hill recently raised $1,300 to support another ministry worker in Marsabit by funding an irrigation system and seedlings. 


  •  Praise God that the Generate project is helping farmers harness water to protect against drought.


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