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Children in Pakistan

Rising Hope in Pakistan
  • by Guest Contributer
  • March 26, 2021

Amelia Kate – Ambassador, Miracle School

Last year, Anglican Aid’s Hope Hunger Crisis campaign provided food relief to 1,000 enslaved Christian families in Pakistan over a period of nine months. This relief allowed children who were at risk of starvation the chance to live.

Today, as the seasons begin to change in Australia, things remain the same in Pakistan. Over the first three months of this year Miracle School has been at work sharing education, vaccinations and hope amongst the lingering Hunger Crisis.

Recently, Miracle students have just sat their yearly examinations and continue to work hard, studying with the hope that education will reverse the cycle of slavery.

Children at Miracle School

Children at Miracle School

One of the students, Zidi*, is the eldest of four siblings and studying in year nine at Miracle School. Zidi’s whole family participates in Miracle Ministries, and her father learnt sewing through their sewing training program. Her father was even awarded his very own sewing machine and was lined up with a job at a local factory. As well as this, he would travel from house to house collecting fabrics before sewing them on his veranda at home.

In the Covid period, Zidi’s father lost his job due to constant lockdown periods and lower demand. Zidi’s mother, who once worked for five local women as a housemaid, also lost her job, as there was fear in the community of Covid entering their homes. In Pakistan around 50% of employees in every workplace have lost their jobs. 

“Zidi’s parents are worried because they don’t know how they can provide during this time.” said Angela Michael, Co-founder of Miracle Schools Pakistan. “Sometimes Zidi and her family only eat every second day.”


“Sometimes Zidi and her family only eat every second day.”


The prices of local food have increased rapidly: a bag of flour was once 450 rupees ($3.80) and has now almost doubled at 800 rupees ($6.70). Currently Zidi’s family is only able to earn 1,000 rupees ($8.40) in a week. With such a low income, they are unable to pay their rent or electricity bills and are facing eviction at any time.

Through generous supporters via Anglican Aid, Miracle Ministries continues to work in providing Zidi and her siblings with as much support as possible including vaccinations, rations and education.

Zidi and her family are just one out of the one thousand families Miracle is at work supporting.



In the middle of what has seemed like a hopeless situation, hope has been rising amongst the Miracle families. Many teachers and pastors (around 60) are currently studying PTC (Preliminary Theological Certificate) through the Centre of Global Mission by Moore College. As the pastors have spent more time learning God’s Word they have been encouraged greatly to persevere. They have been sharing the Gospel more and more in the local communities and on the brick kilns.

Baptisms with families of brick-kiln workers

Baptisms with families of brick-kiln workers

During the Hunger Crisis last year, over 80 people gave their lives to Christ and were baptised. Already in 2021 through their faithful teaching, 10 people have been baptised. What an incredible work of our saving God!

As Christians gather around the globe to celebrate the outpouring of God’s love this Easter, please continue to partner with Miracle via Anglican Aid through prayer, raising awareness, and through giving.

Miracle rejoices and finds strength in the global support of our brothers and sisters in Christ.

*name has been changed for safety

Let grace flow through generosity

All donations to Anglican Aid for this project are tax deductible. In the case that a fundraising appeal has received sufficient donations, any surplus funds will be used for a similar activity or an activity in the same country.

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