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“Evidence of our oneness in Christ” – Marsabit Bishop thankful for emergency relief
  • by Lindsay Counsell
  • May 15, 2023

After five failed rain seasons caused a hunger emergency, the drought in Kenya has officially broken. Praise God!

Anglican Aid’s Projects Team Leader, Cameron Jansen, recently visited Marsabit in North Kenya, where emergency rations were distributed using funds raised by our supporters.

Cameron said, “New life is springing up everywhere. It was unbelievably green!”

I know you will join me in praising God for sending rain and ending the drought!

Bishop Qampicha Wario of Marsabit Diocese asked us to pass on his thanks, and added, “Our oneness in Christ can only be evidenced in walking together.” How wonderful that God is being glorified through this appeal!

Though rains have come, suffering has not yet ended. Bishop Qampicha explained, “while it is good the rains have fallen and the grass is growing, human beings can’t eat grass.”

It will still be months before any crops are harvested. Many locals worried the rains would fail again and so did not sow seeds. Others are pastoralists and don’t plant crops at all, but livestock recovery could take an estimated 5 years. This means food security will be an ongoing issue for some time.

Heavy rain on mud-brick dwellings also comes with its own problems. Landslides and mudslides have swept away houses and, in some parts of Africa, caused loss of life. These tragedies are affecting people who have already experienced so much loss.

Please pray:
  • In thanks that God has broken the drought
  • In thanks for the many Anglican Aid supporters who donated to provide food relief
  • That God would help the land, crops, and livestock recover quickly

By working closely with churches embedded in their communities, Anglican Aid is helping to prevent future food crises. One of our long term projects, in this same area of North Kenya, aims to relieve food insecurity through water harvesting for irrigation and seedling sites for kitchen gardens. The project is called “Generate!” and helps local people generate food and income for their families. It is run by the Anglican Church of Kenya, where Norm and Janelle Gorrie are serving as missionaries.

This is the kind of work supported by regular gifts from people like you to Anglican Aid. Our long term projects help transform communities so that future droughts won’t lead to another hunger emergency.

Learn more about this long-term project, and others, here:

Grace is flowing through WASH in Africa

Grace is flowing through Income Generation in Africa

Grace is flowing through WASH in Africa

Grace is flowing through Equipping Christian Leaders in Africa

Marsabit Generate!: Water Harvesting and Harnessing

Anglican Aid is partnering with the Diocese of Marsabit, Kenya, to support communities in harvesting and harnessing water in the name of Jesus.

Support for Life (Heading North)

Alongside church planting, the Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church introduced organic farming techniques from the ‘Farming God’s Way’ model.

Madagascar: Water and Resilience Project

Anglican Aid is partnering with the Diocese of Toliara to bring clean, life giving water to the people of Madagascar, in the name of Jesus.

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