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Madagascar Project Update: “Wow, that is love”
  • by Lindsay Counsell
  • March 7, 2023

“Wow, that is love.” This is the message from many living in Amboasary, Madagascar, having witnessed love at a deeper level – the generosity of those they do not know. By God’s grace and through your giving, Anglican Aid has helped build wells and boreholes throughout the Diocese of Toliara where safe drinking water is scarce.

Previously the main water sources were either far away or a local polluted river, which led to illness and fatalities in the region. Now, as one young woman testifies:

It is not like before. We had to go very far to get [clean] water, but now the water is near and we are blessed. So we thank God for giving us water, near us here.”

See and hear the transformative effect of your partnership with Madagascar: 

In this update, we also hear from Rev Berthier Lainirina, Principle of St Patrick’s Theological College. He testifies to the growth of the church through the love shown by critical food distribution and clean water. 

We share in the ‘deep joy’ that our partners experience as they are resourced to minister to and care for communities in need around them. With you, we have been able to show Christ’s love to many; strengthening our partnership with the global church and transforming communities to the glory of God. Thank you!



You can continue to support development and ministry work in Madagascar, through Madagascar PTC and Megavoice Audio-Bibles for Madagascar. Equipping locals with the Bible in their heart language, and strengthening their ability to share and live out the gospel are critical to ensuring Christian love is embedded into communities. Please consider an ongoing partnership with Anglican Aid so that together we may see God’s grace overflow to many.

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