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Learning from Paul’s priorities
  • by Amy Touzell
  • May 7, 2020

New CEO joins Anglican Aid team

In marriage and in employment, the wise have said, “Start as you mean to go on”.

Well, a couple of hours into his first day as Anglican Aid’s CEO, the Rev. Tim Swan opened the Bible with the staff team at our weekly meeting, continuing the pattern set by former CEO, the Rev. David Mansfield. Anglican Aid is blessed to have had well-trained Bible-based leaders, just as we pray our projects in Australia and overseas will always have.

Tim led us in looking at the end of Romans 15, where Paul puts back his mission trip to Spain in order to visit the Jews suffering in Jerusalem and to give them the gifts provided by Gentile believers in Macedonia and Achaia.

Verse 26 reads, “For Macedonia and Achaia were pleased to make a contribution for the poor among the Lord’s people in Jerusalem.

Tim said, “This is a great encouragement as we see many of our plans put back while we give urgent assistance to those suffering during COVID-19 lockdowns. Millions are without income or the means to sustain their families.”

Find out more about the COVID-19 Emergency Relief appeal here.

Rich experience to draw on

Tim and his wife, Sally, have five children. They have served for the past six years at Willoughby Park Anglican Church where he was part of growing a small church plant. He has now gone from being Senior Minister to church member. Please pray for a smooth transition for him and the church.

Prior to that, the Swans were CMS missionaries in Chile where Tim helped to establish the Centre for Pastoral Studies (CEP) in Santiago. 

With this background in cross-cultural and home ministry, Tim is well-placed to see the work of Anglican Aid from different perspectives.  

On the second day of his new role, Tim made the comment, “I thank God to be able to take up the leadership of Anglican Aid, particularly at this time of great need around the world. I’m humbled as I see the grace of God welling up in so many of our supporters, who model the love of Christ in their generous love for others. This partnership is impacting the lives of so many, and I look forward to strengthening these partnerships between Christians in Australia and our brothers and sisters around the globe, to the glory of God.”

“I thank God to be able to take up the leadership of Anglican Aid, particularly at this time of great need around the world.”

 – Rev. Tim Swan, CEO, Anglican Aid

Like him, we are all excited about the days to come!

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