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Archbishop Glenn Davies introduces Tim Swan
  • by Zhien-U Bakarich
  • May 29, 2020
When you welcome a new CEO during a global pandemic …

Video really is helping to reduce the distance between us as our new CEO, Tim Swan, comes on board. Whether or not you have met Tim before, you’ll enjoy seeing him introduced here by Archbishop Glenn Davies. After all, our organisation’s formal name is The Archbishop of Sydney’s Anglican Aid.

Tim is enthusiastic about the organisation he is coming into and about his own hopes for Anglican Aid’s growth and direction. In his first month in the role he has been greatly blessed as he starts to get to know donors and by building his understanding of the 130 projects with which Anglican Aid partners, in Australia and around the world. And he’s very passionate – as you will no doubt see for yourself!

You are welcome to watch and share this video with others in your church, small group or network. And if you’d like to send Tim a message of welcome just email

About Tim

Tim Swan joins Anglican Aid with strong mission, biblical, and cross-cultural credentials having served as a CMS missionary at the Centre for Pastoral Studies (CEP), in Santiago, Chile for 10 years. Most recently, Tim was the Senior Minister at Willoughby Park Anglican Church on Sydney’s lower North Shore.

He and his wife Sally have five children – Lachlan, Annabelle, Edward, Adelaide and Charlie; and have also welcomed foster children into their family. Tim holds a Bachelor of Theology from Moore College, Sydney. Sally Swan is one of the contributors to For the Joy: 21 Australian Missionary Mother Stories on Cross-Cultural Parenting and Life, compiled by Miriam Chan and Sophia Russell, and published by Anglican Aid.

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