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Caring for partners in COVID-19
  • by Amy Touzell
  • April 21, 2020

This interview with Aiden McCorkindale, Senior Manager, Projects, provides insight into how Anglican Aid is operating in the current environment, still connecting with partners who are dealing with COVID-19 amid the great challenges of poverty and disadvantage.

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As our partners reel from the physical, social and economic damage caused by COVID-19, how can Anglican Aid provide them with tangible, Christian care? 


We need to seek out information on what is happening in their locations and projects so that we can inform others in turn.

We pray for their staff that they would remain protected.  That they can creatively love their communities and point to the hope in Jesus. We pray for the communities they work in, now even more vulnerable and isolated than normal, and their countries where health systems and economies are much less resilient than ours in Australia.

We have provided information on COVID-19 that can help our partners better prepare their organisations, churches and communities.


Are we still able to send funds?


We continue to provide regular funds to help partners to keep operating even in a changed context. A lot of the core project objectives and replacement activities they can continue to do during the crisis are of help to the communities they have worked with. Obviously, in water and sanitation work but in other ways, such as disability projects where they have worked with families to better care for their children independently.

We are providing additional funds where we have the capacity and the partner has a good way to care for the community, for example by providing food packs to the vulnerable/isolated or providing sanitation education and supplies like soap to ensure that this slows the spread of COVID-19.

Staying in touch is also of great value. In the chaos many are expressing thanks to us for communicating with them, remaining invested in what is happening, praying for them, as well as financially supporting them.


What about the exchange rate?


Initially we put some payments on hold after the AUD dropped in value until it stabilised. However we continued to make those payments that absolutely could not be deferred. 

Actually some currencies have also lost value compared with the AUD, such as the Pakistani Rupee and the Zambian Kwacha, which means that the funds can go further.



Eddie Ozols, Acting CEO of Anglican Aid, said, “With the slowdown or cessation of business in many countries, including Australia, it’s likely that giving will be reduced. This is a difficult time for most people.” 

“Yet, where possible, those of us with the capacity to keep giving should remember those for whom life hasn’t just become inconvenient or difficult, it has become completely unsustainable. I have been encouraged by a number of supporters who have phoned to make a donation, saying they realise it is at times such as this that Anglican Aid requires additional support.

“For this reason, Anglican Aid is running a financial appeal for partners who are actively providing assistance to their communities during this time. Go to our Covid-19 Relief Appeal page for more information. 

“Even while COVID-19 is brought medically under control, (we pray!), world economies will take time to recover. In the world’s poorest nations, where the economy was already fragile, the ramifications will be felt for years. 

“In addition to economic difficulties, natural disasters are still a real threat, such as the recent flooding in the Democratic Republic of Congo, ongoing locust plagues across East Africa and the recent Category 5 cyclone that impacted parts of Vanuatu and Fiji.  

“We must pray. And please give as you are able.”

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