Latest News : Grace News Summer 2022
Grace News Summer 2022

Grace News is Anglican Aid’s quarterly Newsletter, through which we share encouragement and updates from our project partners. Below our feature story about South Sudan, you will find the latest information from our work in Tonga, The Philippines, Brazil and more.
Tim Swan’s Trip to South Sudan
Anglican Aid prides itself in not only supporting important development projects across the globe and spreading the grace of God, but also in developing strong and genuine relationships with our partners.
Unfortunately, due to the circumstances of the Covid pandemic, we have not been able to visit our partners and projects for quite some time. Towards the end of 2021 Anglican Aid’s CEO, Tim Swan, was able to travel to South Sudan to visit our partners and experience, first hand, the difficulties they face.
While this trip was ultimately cut short by the incoming wave of Omicron, it was still a great blessing to be able to see the work that the church is doing in South Sudan. Below is a letter written by Tim Swan, about his trip to South Sudan.
When I visited South Sudan in late 2021, I was struck by the enormous difficulties our brothers and sisters in Christ are experiencing there. Years of conflict and instability since independence have left the country with an unstable economy, damaged infrastructure and limited health and education services. The UN estimates that almost 80% of the population are living in extreme poverty.
I was surprised when I visited a rural diocesan school and asked the staff about the school’s greatest need. They answered;

“The donkey is tired.”

With no other access to clean water, the school’s donkey spent all day carrying water from the river. Many of the diocesan schools and Bible colleges need improved infrastructure.
We have five million Anglican brothers and sisters in South Sudan. As I met with local bishops in the country, we talked about the need to train 10,000 pastors over the next 10 years. Anglican Aid will help by supporting five regional and fifteen local colleges. The bishops want to see the gospel proclaimed and Bible taught in every village in the country.
We are in the early stages of growing our partnership with the Christians in South Sudan. We would love you to support us in this work and will keep you updated as new projects get underway.
You can read more about the projects that we currently support in South Sudan, here.
I hope this news about Anglican Aid’s work around the world encourages your soul.
Let Grace Flow,
Tim Swan
Latest stories from Grace News
Help Tongan communities devastated by the volcanic eruption
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Philippines: Typhoon relief is reaching those in need
Hear about how relief is reaching those in the Filipino province of Palawan after Typhoon Odette.
Bringing God’s Love to Afghan Refugees
Read about how Afghan refugees are being supported as they adapt to a new country.
New Skills for Life
In December, the Mbuyu Foundation in Uganda celebrated the first graduation of students from its life skills course.
Lebanon: Growing Hearts and Minds
Read about how Good Shepard School is helping grow the hearts and minds of young Syrian refugees.
Cyclone Ana: Providing Relief to Southeast Africa
Help the people of Southeast Africa recover from the devasting impact of Cyclone Ana
Useful Resources
Anglican Aid’s Prayer Diary 2022
Join us in praying for partners, staff and for those in need by downloading our 2022 prayer diary.
Prayer for Tonga
Please pray with us for the people of Tonga. Below is a prayer from Sandy Grant, Dean of Sydney, that we encourage you to pray along with.
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