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Grace Abounding Appeal

See Grace Abound to a world in need

As God’s grace abounds to us, so are we to abound in love for one another.

When you give to Anglican Aid’s Grace Abounding Appeal, your generosity is poured out through the work of Anglican Aid’s faithful overseas partners.

See (below) how grace is abounding through Heading North in Ethiopia, Victoria Memorial Hospital in Pakistan, Anugrah Disabilities in India, Elyon High School in Kenya and the Shyira Piglet Project in Rwanda – and these are only a snapshot of Anglican Aid’s 140 projects in 40 countries where grace is overflowing.

This end of financial year, you can help grace abound to people like Feru, Christine, Wilson, Felicite, Laurent, Sharukh, Belyse and Viona by making your tax-deductible donation before 30 June!

Together, we can see God’s grace abound to the most needy in our world.

NB: Funds received after close of business on Friday 30 June 2023 (AEDT) can be claimed in the 23-24 financial year. Please note transactions may take 1-2 days to reach our account.

Your giving

You can help grace abound to a world in need this end of financial year by making your tax-deductible gift today.

Give now

One of our model farmers says, ‘my income after I plant fruit trees, it is ten times!’…In addition to that, people are eating fruits and healthier and even they offer fruits to visit people.

Feru, Director of Heading North

Heading North, Ethiopia

I look forward to going back to my home village, after having completed my studies, with an ambition to eliminate poverty and nurture other girls.

Christine, Year 10 Student

Elyon High School, Kenya

In 2022, I had a problem with my eye and my vision was blurred….I was struggling with my work…At the hospital I received a surgery for my cataract, now I am completely fine. I am grateful to God that I can continue to do my work.

Wilson, Eye Clinic Patient

Victoria Memorial Hospital, Pakistan

This pig brought a change for our whole family because we are now getting manure for the crops and the productivity of our crops has been increased maybe from 20 kilogram to 40, almost doubled…this project is helping our family to develop income.

Felicite, Piglet Recipient

Shyira Piglet Project, Rwanda

I love the teachers because they help the students in not only curriculum activities but even in co-curriculum activities…and encourage them that they can do better in their studies, and even the future of what they want to become. In my future I would like to be a pilot, if God helps me.

Laurent, Year 8 Student

Elyon High School, Kenya

Earlier I was always on the bed and then I came to here…after that I got a wheelchair and I was able to move, able to go everywhere. And when I met Anugrah team…I don’t even know how to write my name and now I have completed 12th class.

Sharukh, Program Participant

Anugrah Disabilities, India

My sons and daughters are very happy and excited for this project because … due to these fertilisers they can harvest the crops and sell them and have some money to buy for their shoes and their other needs. Not only that but also it can support when it produces the litters.

Belyse, Piglet Recipient

Shyira Piglet Project, Rwanda

I never had hopes until one day my mum passed through this area and saw this wonderful school…she was told I can just join even if I don’t have school fees because they will provide…I want to get a good grade that will take me to university, and also to become an ambassador…to tell people great stories of our Elyon High School and encourage them to don’t give up!

Viona, Year 10 Student

Elyon High School, Kenya

Grace is flowing through Health in Asia

Grace is flowing through Income Generation in Africa

Grace is flowing through Health in Asia

Grace is flowing through Education in Africa

Grace is flowing through Income Generation in Africa

Victoria Memorial Medical Centre

1toAnother demonstrates Christ’s love to poor and marginalised people in Pakistan by providing a high standard of holistic and affordable healthcare.

Support for Life (Heading North)

Alongside church planting, the Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church introduced organic farming techniques from the ‘Farming God’s Way’ model.

Anugrah Disabilities

Providing health and rehab services to people with disabilities in partnership with Herbertpur Christian Hospital

Kenya: Elyon Christian Mission

Elyon Christian Mission provides youth in Nairobi slums with access to quality, Christian education and discipleship

Shyira Piglet Project

The Shyira Diocese in Rwanda is helping to lift families out of poverty through sustainable pig farming.

Let grace flow through generosity

All donations to this appeal are tax deductible.
In the case that a fundraising appeal has received sufficient donations, any surplus funds will be used for a similar activity or an activity in the same country.