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Ministering to needy women in South Africa
  • by Guest Contributer
  • October 14, 2021

Ans van der Zwaag – Anglican Aid Ambassador for Umthombo Wempilo, South Africa


We have lots to thank God for – over the last few months we have been able to set up Zoom meetings with Umthombo and have been also asking 2 or 3 supporters to join us – we read God’s Word and pray with and for each other. It’s so lovely for the staff to be encouraged and meet supporters. It’s a lovely time to catch up and hear what’s happening first-hand in South Africa.

Some wonderful recent news following up from our last blog is that Umthombo Wempilo now has hot water and is able to offer hot showers to some of the women! This is a great comfort to many. They have also had the funds to be able to fix the roof problems.

The staff of Umthombo Wempilo are now all vaccinated. They can have a few women at a time visit – so they have several groups of women come for Bible study and they share a meal together.

Hopefully soon they will be able to visit the women in the brothels once again, where they leave calling cards with Bible verses, and invitations to pray and join the staff for pastoral care and Bible study. Until then, they remain in contact by phone.


As well as ministering to women caught in the sex trade, Umthombo offers help to any of the needy people who may appear on their doorstep.

Meet Lindiwe*, who is 16 years old. Lindiwe and her two younger siblings grew up in Hillbrow. They lost their mother recently and their father left them in 2016.

Their parents were not married, so it’s a complex situation for Umthombo to help them, beyond making sure they have food and clothing. In South Africa, when you are not married to the mother of your children it becomes difficult for the father to take full responsibility over their children as it is not “culturally” right.  Umthombo staff have accompanied Lindiwe to a social worker, who will provide assistance to get a death certificate, in order to receive support from the government.



For your thanksgiving:

  • We thank God for being with us throughout this term. We saw the hand of God upon us and we were able to do good work.
  • We thank God and all our supporters that it was possible to finally fix the hot water and the roof!
  • We are so thankful for Anglican Aid and all our supporters who pray for us and are so generous in their giving.

For your prayer:

  • Pray for Tumi (one of the ladies on staff), as she grieves the loss of her aunty and uncle who died in the space of one week. Pray she will know God’s comfort.
  • Pray for Lindiwe and her siblings in the loss of their mum, and that Umthombo and the social worker can give Lindiwe the support she needs to care for her siblings.

It is with thankfulness to God that the partnership between Umthombo Wempilo, Christ Church Hillbrow, and Anglican Aid continues, as together, we can make a difference to the lives of others.


*Name changed for privacy reasons.

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