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Esca in Zimbabwe

Valuing Women: “Anything is possible with God.”
  • by Zhien-U Bakarich
  • October 13, 2022

In 2020, Esca* left the Umthombo Wempilo women’s refuge in South Africa to return to her hometown in Zimbabwe. Esca had learned about Jesus during her stay at Umthombo Wempilo, and had chosen to follow him.

Umthombo Wempilo is a ministry of Christ Church Hillbrow. It serves women trapped in sex work by providing them with safe accommodation and vocational training so they can choose a different life. The women are also invited to join in Bible studies to learn about the love of Jesus.

But home life outside the refuge can be difficult, and sometimes following up with women once they leave (especially to another country!) is very hard.

Praise God, the staff at Umthombo Wempilo were able to visit Esca during a recent trip to Zimbabwe. During the trip, they rejoiced that Esca was renting a home from an older woman and now has a business stand selling sweets and fruits.

Escas Business stand

Esca’s business stand

Bubbly, the project leader at Umthombo Wempilo, said:

“We are very encouraged by Esca. This has truly highlighted in our ninth year of Umthombo Wempilo existence – anything is possible with God indeed.”
Prayer points:
  • Thank God for carrying Umthombo Wempilo throughout these nine years of grace.
  • Pray that the women seek God first before anything.
  • Pray that the women keep attending Bible study as we have extended our Bible study days, as we are unable to go to the field. Pray that God opens their minds to understand his Word.
  • Pray that women leave sex work.
  • Pray for staff to be strengthened in God’s word so they can reach out to the women.
  • Pray for Mam Bubbly’s health to be strengthened and restored.

*Name changed for safety

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