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SOUTH AFRICA: Trusting God
  • by Ashleigh Hooker
  • June 30, 2023

Homeless and with a two-week old son, Tinah* was desperate when she sought help from Anglican Aid partner Umthombo Wempilo.

Tinah had moved to Johannesburg from Swaziland looking for employment, and was introduced to street sex work by a friend. She was pregnant when her boyfriend was killed in a car accident last September. Alone and overwhelmed, she planned to give her baby up for adoption.

But when Tinah gave birth and saw her son, she was determined to keep him. Unable to work or pay her rent, she was evicted from her room with her newborn baby and all her belongings removed. A friend told her about Umthombo Wempilo, a Johannesburg ministry to women engaged in sex work. Umthombo gave Tinah meals, baby clothes, and accommodation at their safe house with a staff member helping her overnight with her new baby. “If Umthombo was unable to help me I don’t know what I would have done,” said Tinah.

Umthombo staff helped her organise travelling documents and bought her a bus ticket to return home to Swaziland. Bubbly, Umthombo’s Director, said that Tinah called to say she’d arrived safely and is staying with her grandmother where she will start a new life. “We thank God that Tinah made a wise decision not to abandon her child or give him up but to trust God for his life and provision,” said Bubbly.

*Name changed for privacy


  • for God’s provision for Tinah as she starts a new life with her baby son.


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