
God restores Precious
- by Guest Contributer
- February 15, 2022
Ans van der Zwaag – Anglican Aid Ambassador for Umthombo WeMpilo, South Africa
Thank you for your ongoing prayer support for Umthombo WeMpilo. God continues to be at work in that ministry in so many ways.

“Just for Starters” Update
Throughout COVID we have been praying for women as they come to Umthombo to do the “Just for Starter’s” Bible studies.
The two sisters we see sitting here (on the left), have finished the booklet and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ. They were convicted to change and are now both doing peace jobs to be able to look after themselves. We might be restricted by COVID, but God works in all places and all situations. We give God honour and glory for saving these women!
The Story of Precious
Let me introduce you to Precious* pictured on the right. Her husband left her, and her friends influenced her to work in the brothels. She heard about Umthombo and was able to tell her story. She was invited to attend a one-on-one Bible study with Thumi, and broke down when she heard (once again) of the cross and repented. Precious began looking for a job, and in God’s providence, she found one. She continues to attend Bible study and is very thankful to Umthombo to pointing her in the right direction! How faithful is our God!

“For its by grace, you have been saved, this is through faith this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God”
Ephesians 2:8
Giving thanks for:
- Give thanks for Thumi who has faithfully served Umthombo for many years now.
- We give thanks for “Just for Starters” and how God opens eyes and ears so women can be taken out of slavery into His glorious light.
- Thank you for the board of Umthombo and the way they provide support.
Pray for:
- Staff of Umthombo with the changes ahead, that they would be Christ centered and their needs at work would be provided for Thumi during her pregnancy, for her health and for the wellbeing of her baby.
- That many women would continue to visit Umthombo as there is no outreach due to COVID.
*Name changed for privacy reasons.