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Celebrating the courage and resilience of mums in Tanzania and beyond
  • by Hannah Grant
  • May 6, 2021

On Mother’s Day we honour the mums in our life: mothers, grandmothers, spiritual mothers, and other women God has blessed us with. We thank them for making sacrifices for us, for teaching us, for encouraging us and for loving us. We also pray for grace for those who find Mother’s Day to be one of the most difficult days of the year.

At Anglican Aid we have the privilege of hearing many stories of courage and resilience of mums all around the world.

Countless women in desperately poor communities shoulder the burden of providing for their family when a bread-winning husband passes away. Or when a child with a disability is born into a family, it is usually the mother who becomes the child’s primary carer.

Your generosity towards Anglican Aid provides life-changing support to mothers like Bhoke from Nyakato, Tanzania. Bhoke was unable to continue her education after junior high school, because her parents couldn’t afford the fees. 

But now that Bhoke has her own family, the Mara Mother’s Union, with Anglican Aid, has helped her attend the one-year course at Jitegemee Tailoring Centre. Since graduating, Bhoke has opened her own sewing shop, where she earns enough money to support her young family.

Bhoke, a graduate of Jitegemee Tailoring Centre, Tanzania

Bhoke, a graduate of Jitegemee Tailoring Centre, Tanzania

“Now I can take care of my family, pay school fees for my children, contribute to the church offerings, and help people who are needy.”

“Now I can take care of my family, pay school fees for my children, contribute to the church offerings, and help people who are needy.”

“As well as craft skills, I also learned how to study the Bible so that when I go back to my village I can preach the word of God to others, so that they turn from paganism to Christ.”

Bhoke also loves how many young girls in her village have started coming to her shop to learn how to sew. What a woman for young girls to look up to!

We praise God for mothers like Bhoke, and for churches in the developing world who walk alongside mothers, helping them raise their families often in contexts of great poverty.

Anglican Aid is glad to support many projects which help mothers with limited resources to raise their children. As well as income-generation initiatives, other projects range from disability inclusion programs which help mums to care for their special-needs children, to crisis accommodation which gives mums and children a safe refuge from domestic violence or from the threat of sex work.

This Mother’s Day, make a tax-deductible donation towards Anglican Aid’s End of Financial Year Appeal, to help more mums like Bhoke help care for their families in Tanzania and beyond.

Let grace flow through generosity

All donations to Anglican Aid for this project are tax deductible. In the case that a fundraising appeal has received sufficient donations, any surplus funds will be used for a similar activity or an activity in the same country.

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