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Feeding the hungry of southern Madagascar
  • by Guest Contributer
  • January 12, 2021

As part of Anglican Aid’s growing partnership with the Anglican Church in Madagascar, we have sent funds for famine relief in the Diocese of Toliara and beyond, as well as ongoing Bible college student sponsorships

Now we are seeing these projects converge in a wonderful example of the gospel in action. 

Responding to a devastating season of kere (drought) in southern Madagascar, we have been coordinating support with our great friend, the Rev Berthier Lainirina, to assist families at great risk of starvation, over a three-month period.

Berthier has also been instrumental in connecting Anglican Aid supporters with Christian leaders keen to study the Bible and be equipped for future ministry.

For the next ten days, sponsored theological students will participate in distribution of rice, beans and water to more than 200 families across four areas of Toliara region.

The Rt Rev Samitiana Razafindralambo (Bishop Samy) said, “Sponsored students are currently undertaking two-month student ministry positions back in their original parishes, to share the good news of Jesus and disciple very poor families. Right now, they are serving their communities by bringing much needed food and comfort.”

In recent message to Anglican Aid, Bishop Samy explained the unexpected challenges the students are facing:

They (the students) are now sharing foods (sic) to the area affected by the famine. However, security has become an issue. Some people are attacking goods as they are transported to the area. Thankfully some local Christians have informed our team that people were about to attack and rob them. So our team stopped and stayed where they were.

We now have to pay for military protections as they (the students) continue with the project.

Your prayer and financial support enables Anglican Aid to press on in this important work of providing for people’s physical and spiritual needs.

Read more about the current situation in the Diocese of Toliara.

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