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Significant Change: Bible College builds leaders and communities in DRC
  • by Guest Contributer
  • October 12, 2022

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is one of the poorest countries in the world. It has suffered enormous conflict, with approximately 70% of its population living on less than $1.90 a day, and approx. 77% considered illiterate. Inadequate infrastructure, ill-equipped healthcare facilities, and lack of education, mean that there is little opportunity to break the cycle of poverty.

Anglican Aid is working with the Province de L’Eglise Anglicane Du Congo across multiple dioceses to provide sound Bible training for community leaders who are vital for the development and operation of central infrastructure such as town centres and churches. Community members who have been trained are able to mobilise the church to provide holistic care, both through long term development projects and in cases of disaster and emergency. 

Meet Joseph, one of these leaders who has seen his training bring transformative change to his community.

Married with 7 children, Joseph used to be a singer and musician playing the trumpet and a teacher before he was spotted by the archdeacon of his area who encouraged him to enrol in theological and pastoral training. He joined the theological institute in 2014. [Here] he was able to both study and practice all that they were learning at his local church including preaching effectively, resolving conflicts in the community, and leading the community in small scale development projects.

These projects include agriculture, planting trees, planting coffee, microfinance for women and construction of a larger church building which is still ongoing. The church construction initiative was the most challenging project. Joseph mobilised the church members and rallied their support for the construction project. When completed, the church will have the capacity of more than 300 people and will be a landmark in the community. The idea is to make the church a place where the community can run to for help and for coordinating community activities including building a well, schools and health centres. 

At Anglican Aid, we know the transformative impact of the gospel. We praise God for the immediate impact theological education has had in the DRC, and look forward to hearing more stories of how grace will overflow in newly established schools, wells and health centres.

1 John 5:14 reminds us: This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.

Please pray for Joseph and The Democratic Republic of the Congo by sharing these prayer points with your churches and Bible studies:

  • Praise God for the immediate, restorative effect of the gospel in the DRC, giving thanks for the opportunity for sound, theological training to be taught.
  • Pray for Joseph and his ongoing leadership in his community, that he would be guided by and strengthened in the Spirit to make God-honouring decisions
  • For the DRC, that there would be an outpouring of grace in this region, with many coming to Christ and experiencing real love and unity. That as a nation, this would enable them to establish profitable enterprises, accessible water and healthcare systems and improved education opportunities.

Let grace flow

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